London Chiropractor Headache Treatment
Headaches Video Transcript
headaches treatment:
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) headache disorders are the most common disorders of the nervous system. In the UK it is estimated that 190,000 migraine attacks are experienced every day and a staggering 6 million people suffer from migraines in the UK. If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from headaches or migraine you maybe wondering if there is a permanent solution. You may also be wondering if it is muscular, a nerve, blood pressure, stress, bone or disc related. I’m Dr. Sanvir Maharaj owner of Healing Hands Chiropractic. Watch the videos till the end as we’ve got a special gift for you. Move to the next video where we’ll do our best help answer these important questions.
Muscle, Nerve, Blood pressure, stress, bone, disc or something else? Truth is, with headaches and migraines there’s usually a few combinations, which can vary from person to person. Now there’s different physical therapies to address headaches and migraine-headaches treatment. Here at HH we use advanced chiropractic and corrective stretches and exercises. When choosing a form of physical therapy, it’s important to ensure its safety and effectiveness. To achieve this we highly recommend that a clear underlying root cause with associated factors be established first. Go to next video where we discuss some available options-headaches treatment.
Now that you know the recommendation for choosing a safe and effective headache and migraine treatment, let me tell you how we establish the underlying root cause and contributing factors at Healing Hands. We deliver one UK’s most thorough chiropractic assessments and it consists of a 45 min initial visit where we’ll conduct 10 different test to gather enough data to help establish a root cause diagnosis. By doing the chiropractic assessment we’ll be able to answer the three most common questions we get asked: Can you help me safely? How long will it take? How much will it cost? Move to the next video where we’ll explain how to get started.
To start your headache and migraine healing journey we’ll first need to establish a root cause diagnosis along with the underlying factors. To get this done you simply need to book in for your initial 45 min assessment. This will help answer the three most common questions we get asked, based upon your actual measurements. Here are the tests that we’ll do during this initial assessment:
- Health and Spinal History
- Weight Distribution
- X-rays (if clinically required)
- Nerve Function Scan
- Blood Pressure and Oxygen Levels
- Initial Postural Analysis
- Heart Rate Variability
- Postural Measurements
- EMG Spinal Muscle Scan
- Detailed Muscle and Joint Palpation
As promised at the beginning, we are doing something special to help our community, particularly during these challenging times. What we’ve put together for you is a sponsored initial chiropractic assessment, which helps reduce the cost by 50%. Call our 24/7 booking line 020 8948 9102 and mention SPONS50 to access the saving and start your healing journey. We look forwards to seeing you in the clinic to help you get a root cause diagnosis for your headaches and migraines. You’ll be in very safe hands as we have a long track record of helping people with headaches and migraines-headaches treatment.
There are many different types of headaches and they are not all equal. Headaches can be caused by a wide variety of contributing factors such as colds, heavy alcohol consumption, eyesight problems, dehydration, bad posture, muscular-skeletal issues, structural changes, stress and anxiety, nerve impingement and other neurological imbalances, high blood pressure and traumas. While headaches are one of the most common complaints we get as chiropractors, headaches are not a normal expression of a healthy mind and body. In other words, a headache is the body’s way of telling us that something is out of balance-headaches treatment.
While the brain itself does not feel pain, it receives this information from other areas such as nerves, blood vessels, and muscles in the head and neck area, sending messages back to the control centre. Headaches may negatively impact your mood, wellbeing and ability to focus the mind.
Some common symptoms of headaches are:
- Pressure or tightness felt on the sides and back of your head
- A sensation of tightness or pressure across your forehead
- Tenderness of the neck and shoulder muscles
- Dull, aching head pain in the back
- Tenderness on your scalp
- A throbbing sensation
The first step at Healing Hands Chiropractic, when dealing with a persistent headache problem, consists of examining you thoroughly using our uniquely designed 10-step chiropractic check-up. We refer to this measurement-based process as the first visit. All the readings, measurements and X-rays (if clinically required) in conjunction with our manual assessments, give us a deeper insight into the particulars of your individual case. Understanding what’s going on in your body and what is contributing directly or indirectly to the problem, helps us formulate a root cause diagnosis. From there we can create a personal measurement-based corrective plan-headaches treatment.