Free Spinal Health Check Richmond Chiropractic
The Free Posture Check is a sponsored Spinal Health Assessment that we provide to members of the community to find out how they measure up. It’s a quick way to uncover posture imbalances and potential links to musculoskeletal issues.
If we compare a posture check with a car, the posture check is measuring the equivalent of your car’s balance and alignment to make sure the car is running safely, able to stay on course and not wearing out the tyres or break before the time.
The body works somewhat similar to the car although it is much more sophisticated and complex needing good alignment to function efficiently. In the same way that a car develops problems if not looked after, so does your body.
Posture is a window into the health of our spines and spinal health impacts how well your central nervous system works which controls 99% of all muscles, organs and functions in the body.
How our Free Posture Assessment Works
Our Free Posture Assessment only takes 15 minutes and consists of an Initial palpation of the spine, fully clothed, whilst conducting the above posture analysis and weight distribution measurements to correlate the shape and overall direction of the joints, spine, and structure.
We will then take posture pictures, using a specialised app, to perform a more detailed analysis of your base-line posture and map out any anomalies using lines and markers.
I have no pain should I still do this?
When it comes to the body not everything is about pain or no pain. Not being in pain is preferable than being in pain, but at the end of the day, the pain signal has a purpose. It’s a message the brain sends to your body to let you know when something is wrong and where to look.
Some issues may not cause pain at all. For example we see clients who have no pain yet their postural imbalances are putting strain on certain joints and wearing them out faster than the body’s rate of repair. Left unchecked this would eventually lead to issues and further injuries.
Who should do our Posture Check?
You should consider taking advantage of our free posture check if:
-You’re considering Chiropractic treatment as an option but want to learn more first.
-You have no aches or pains but are interested to see how you measure up.
-You want the best posture possible and want to know how you’re doing
Please note that our Free Posture Assessment is just one test from our full 45-minute Chiropractic Assessment which consists of 10 different tests.
Who Should Not do our Posture Check?
There are some reasons why you may NOT want to do our Free Posture Check:
-You already have a good idea something is wrong and want to get it sorted.
-You’ve already done a recent posture check and want to get started.
-You’ve had other assessments done but are still not clear.
-You know your posture is not good and are keen to get it sorted.
-You had other tests done but were never given a clear Root Cause Diagnosis.
If you answered YES to any of the above please read our First Visit page where we explain what we do to obtain a clear root cause diagnosis. You can book your Initial Assessment in the assurance that ours is one of the UK’s most Thorough Chiropractic Assessments designed to establish a root cause diagnosis.
How can I book my Free Posture Check?
Our Free Posture Check can be booked by calling our front desk on 020 8948 9102 during normal opening hours. You will have to come in 15 minutes before your appointment to fill out some paperwork. The results of your posture assessment will be discussed and you’ll have the chance to undertake our full Chiropractic Assessment if deemed useful. If you call outside our normal opening hours our 24/7 out-of-hours answer service team will take your details and forwards them to us. You may also submit your details using the form below. We will respond asap to schedule and confirm your Free Posture Check booking.
Please note that there maybe a short waiting time. For this reason some of our clients who ring up for the Free Posture Assessment prefer to use our latest Full Chiropractic Assessment offer which takes 45-minutes and is one of the UKs most thorough Chiropractic Assessments. From this we can arrive at a root cause diagnosis to ensure safe and effective care.
Whatever option you choose we’re here to support you and are committed to your health and wellbeing.